
DDDD - Group Show 2017
In 2017, invited by Material Conjectures, I exhibited as part of a group show at Art Lacuna, in Battersea, London.
Exhibition Text by Material Conjectures:
DDDD (Diagonal Diagram of Dispersed Documents) 12/10/17 - 28/10/17
For Diagonal Diagram of Dispersed Documents, Material Conjectures will transform the gallery space at ArtLacuna, London into a large scale architectonic staging structure for a selection of materials produced, found and constructed through a variety of research methods.
DDDD brings together a group of internationally recognised researchers and practitioners:
Jonathan Darling | Rachel Garfield | Jaspar Joseph-Lester | Pil and Galia Kollectiv | Graham Lister | Mer. Maggie Roberts/0rphan Drift | Anne Tallentire | BAW and Bruce Gilbert
This exciting collection of research includes materials which investigate, interrogate or analyse a range of socially architectural devices: borders, migrations, regeneration, capitalist urban planning, government policy, barrier materials and adhoc structures. These materials are presented at points inside, upon and adjacent to a new large scale structure built for the gallery at ArtLacuna. The exhibition is an architectural diagram for encountering knowledges and data produced through the contributors' research activities. All the contributions share a concern with the ongoing crisis conditions of global capitalism and the disordering effects of these upon spatial relations or constructions.